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Walk this way baby!

Woohoo! Tiffany is finally OFFICIALLY walking on her own as of this week...or, I should say, she has finally gained the courage to walk on her own as of this week! Little miss has been standing up and 'cruising' since she was just 6 months old (she has always been an impatient little thing!) but by no means would she let go and try to walk on her own! So no doubt, I am the happiest mummy on earth this week now that my little cupcake has reached this important milestone!

All excited, I decided the time had come to buy some shoes for my little tot's feet and to finally get her accustomed to walking with shoes on. I must add that, to date, little miss has refused to wear any form shoes for more than 5 seconds! Any attempt to make her wear shoes would always result in her crying hysterically followed by her flinging the pair as far away as she possibly can! She would do the same with her socks too if she didn't have her sock-ons on (marvellous invention)! In fact if I forget to put the sock-on's on her socks she takes them off and not only that, she then hides them.  And don't think she just hides them anywhere, oh noooo, she puts them in places where I wouldn't dream of looking.. I have found socks, under mattresses, under the sofa, in plastic containers in the back of the bottom cupboards. It's just amazing how crafty she can be when she wants to...and she's barely a year old! hmmm

So I've done a bit of reading up on the subject of buying shoes for toddlers, and I was amazed to read so much conflicting information.  However, the majority of paediatricians recommend flexible leather-soled shoes for their flexibility (but preferably non slip socks or barefoot) till the age of 2. So after much deliberation, I bought her the following pair from Pediped.  Aren't they adorable? Now to convince the little miss....

For those interested in reading up on the subject here is a link that might interest you:

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